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Old 2011-09-01, 22:02   Link #488
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Figures the chapter is out when I was gone.

I fail to see how people are so angry at the chapter. I also do not get where people are saying Miria had Hysteria's accuracy at all. Miria used the move once, once and it was a face-to face charge. I would not call that accuracy, unless you mean Claire was accurate against Rigardo. In fact, the "move" looks more and more like awakening like Claire during Pieta rather than some move from out of nowhere.

I am a little happier that Miria is having to awaken in order to even have a chance with Hysteria and not some random realization. I know some people would complain if Miria could match Hysteria with just a "new move." Then again, people complain anyway.

@Gooral, I believe this chapter did answer part of what we debated. Te reason Miria did not go all out against Rigardo and the Twins is that she did not want to endanger her surrounding comrades as an AB. Now, there is virtually no one t endanger but herself. For some I reason I still do not think you would be happy with this, but then again I am not sure what you would.

@Double Friedman, If I remember the chapter where Raftela gets skewered, we never actually see her die. She does in fact just drop, but nothing more. Remember that claymore that gets mauled in the Witcher's Maw arc took way more damage and still walked. I am not saying I like Raftela, but most of those MiBs were handlers, not scientists and as we have seen Mibs are worthless fighters.
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