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Old 2011-09-11, 16:59   Link #33
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Just finished seeing it a few hours ago.

Very touching and emotional anime. On the exact contrary of many people, I actually felt that one of its main strength was how it was NOT trying to "overdramatize". It managed to bring a lot of emotion through very modest, simple situations (really, I could never imagine that seeing someone playing Pokemon would draw tears from me 0_o) and handled them mostly with a light touch.

As someone said earlier, it's a serie best felt, that puts its emphasis on ambiance, overall tone and diffuse feelings.
I also appreciated a lot how the characters were very human, very flawed, not (save for Menma, but that was the point) all-white and above reproach. It made them all the more endearing and sympathetic to me, and their pain even more touching.

A great serie about human feelings that managed to be both sad and positive, teary and yet not depressed. Easily the best I've seen so far this season, and deserving of a solid 8, perhaps even a 9.
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