Thread: Licensed Tiger & Bunny (Sunrise)
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Old 2011-09-19, 10:52   Link #1727
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Originally Posted by fertygo View Post

Bake and Madoka setting record in pixiv, the result? two of most prolific seller in anime-tv industry.
Ah, here's the problem. You don't understand the concept of 'cause' and 'effect.'

Madoka didn't make lots of sells because there was lots of fanart by the fanartist fanbase: there was lots of fanart because Madoka was the sort of series that made lots of sales and attracted an artist fanbase. The fan-artists didn't cause Madoka: Madoka caused the fanartists. Not all fanbases produce equal amounts of fanart, or the same types of fanart.

And most (if not ALL) of anime hits that gaining profit is doing well in fan-art, you may don't know but more "fan"-art is means = more request (more doujin sell in comiket too) = more fan = its implying the theory's correct.
But let's look at what really makes an anime series profitable. For a doujin series with an anime adaptation, a large part of the profit base is in the doujin market. The anime is as much advertisement for the main revenue service as anything else.

But Tiger and Bunny isn't an anime adaptation of a manga series. It's an anime series first and foremost. It's primary service isn't to increase the sale of the Tiger and Bunny doujin: the Tiger and Bunny manga adaptation is made to service the anime, not the other way around. Anime-primary series get their primary revenue from elsewhere: either the anime itself (Blue-Ray sales, for example), or other products (the dolls/plushies/costumes/Kotetsu's Hat).

This is a similar concept to the Gundam franchise: Gundam anime is a glorified toy commercial. The series exist to get people to buy new Gundam models, and it appeals mostly to people already in the mecha-fan demographic. Though, say, Gundam Wing had a far greater boy-love movement than T&B can claim, BL fan-wishing wasn't the impetus or cause of Gundam Wing's own success. Giant robots were.

If you want counter me, find a anime "bust" in term of profit that doing well in fanart or vice versa.
Is anime somehow immune to the concept of a squeaky-wheel fanbase?

There are plenty of examples in fiction in which an intellectual property has a particularly noticeable segment of the fan base that is non-representative of the entire fan base. You're claiming an easily visible part of the fanbase as representative of the entire fanbase.
Why the feck some of you butt hurt with the statement (or fact) the majority fan of T&B is fujoushi anyway?
Probably because you don't understand how 'evidence' or 'supporting a claim' works, given that you thought that . It's less about T&B, and more about your methodology.

Its a well-known fact most of 2ch poster or blogger in japan that watching T&B is women that posting thing like "Barnaby kyaaaaaaaaa" or (Barnaby & Kotetsu kyun" (or something like that. I don't understand the memes) all the time, that's also reflected in yaoi fanart.
This is well known? Since when? By and/or according to who? Have their been any actual scientific pollings, or is this second/third-hand 'everyone knows' based on some blogging boards?

And why do we even assume 2ch is representative? Because it exists? 4chan's 'M' board exists, but nothing otherwise suggests that it's representative of any population group other than the 'M' board.

Even if we're wrong its mean they're homos not women.
This literally makes no sense as part of your argument.
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