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Old 2011-09-23, 05:36   Link #34
Join Date: Feb 2011
i suspect tabuki was acting all the way about the love potion, i can imagine he and yuri planning a way to make ringo give up on her obsession (i'm on the frog part happened faction xD)
after all that time i find it a bit odd tabuki didn't ever noticed the behavoir of ringo, well we know yuri knows for sure

sure, even if that isn't the case i'm starting to suspect them to be more than suspicious
not to mention yuri got one part of the diary, what use do they have with it? :/ (and wasn't celty=natsume, hospital=yuri??) since they don't seems to be working with natsume,
the way natsume said she has only one part looked like a "we are still missing one, we aren't still complete", if they were working together they would have it complete

about the episode i found it funny in most parts :3
for once i gave attention to the penguins, while usually i often ignored them to focus on the characters :P
so this time i fear to have missed most of the hidden meanings thanks to penguin humour >_> xD

Originally Posted by kirarakim
Although it does make me think that Shouma and Kanba's parents might be responsible for the Sarin Gas Attacks. Maybe they are in jail? It could also explain why Himari had to leave her school, to protect her for her own safety when news of their parents got out.
this doesn't stand, because shouma and kanba are attending school with no problems of the like

Last edited by zeando; 2011-09-23 at 05:54.
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