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Old 2011-09-25, 19:44   Link #1565
The Third Runner
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: In my house
Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED View Post
You mean, like Accelerator skill from Cyborg 009? That would be good, but I'm afraid it would broke the power balance too much. Besides, it was stated that even I.S. has their limit in terms of acceleration/ speed as stated by Char here.

So yeah, unless you have something to broke the physic...
Don't IS already break the laws of physics?

But wouldn't the IS integrity be fine as this ability is only active for a nano second? And at such speed, his IS would be creating a vaccum for a nano second, reducing air drag and friciton.

What do you guys think of this idea:

Instead of being an idiot and summoning his full suit every time he wants to fight, how about having Ichika be a partail deployment fighter?

Partial arm summon-boosts attack power of fists.

Partial leg summon-boosts attack power of legs and allows user to rise up in air with a controlled burst of speed.

Partial wing summon-allows user to dash at high speeds.

Partial sword summon- can disable IS and machinery.

Shield summon- can block projectiles against user.

Partial arm cannon summon-by burst firing the cannon it can act like a rasengan when not fully charged.

What do you guys think? It's the only way I can think to make Ichika take levels in badass in my story.
Sounds interesting, but doesn't that defeat the point of having an IS? During a fight against an opponent with a full IS, he would be at a disadvantage for he is only partially boosted, while his opponent is fully boosted. My recommendation would be to have him be in full IS mode, but having a fold out armor on each of his limbs and wings that activate for your specified actions.

Name: (Need some suggestions)
By using energy absorbed from an attack, Byakku Shiki moves for a nano-second close to the speed of light. Using Einsteins theory of relativity, this means that time slows down as Byakku Shiki comes close to the speed of light; thus making all movements in this relativity extremely slow.
Any other opinions? I still need a name. Some epic japanese name would be awesome as well.
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