Thread: Licensed Elfen Lied
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Old 2004-11-27, 13:31   Link #1021
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: North Carolina
Random Thoughts

Just a few ramblings here on my part.

First, let me say that I am very glad that my wife does not have vectors. If she did then I would not be here to write this. Just imagine Lucy with PMS.

There were some who did not like the ending song. While the tone did not seem to fit the mood of the show, I thought that it was a perfect statement of the way both Lucy/Nyu and Yuka felt about Kouta.

It would appear to me that Lucy was a second generation diclonius just like Nana. She appears to be about the same age as Kouta, which would make her 9 or 10 when they first met and 17 or 18 when they met again. Nana appears to be about the same age as Mayu which would make her around 14. That would make Lucy about four years older than Nana. Since the Institute was not started till the first Diclonius started to kill after they reached 3 years old and since Nana had been there since she was born, that would make the oldest Diclonius in the Institute about 4 years older than Nana, or about the same age as Lucy. Also, she was in an orphanage and everyone knew that she had horns, including just about anyone she could have infected. They would have easily traced it back to her if she was the source. It is likely that whoever or whatever is the source can move around unnoticed and is probably just spreading the virus, not killing anyone. Which brings up another question. Is Lucy the only diclonius Eve? Perhaps there are others who had reasonably happy childhoods, then found their Adams, got married, and are raising the “Destruction of Mankind” and never killed anyone. Perhaps that is why the Chief no longer cared about Lucy’s life. Maybe he had gotten word of one or more Human/Diclonius hybrids being born.

I thought that the best part of the last episode was when Lucy told Nana to go back to Kouta’s house and live the life that she couldn’t. In fact, I got the impression that the last two times that Lucy changed into Nyu she did it deliberately because she wanted to stay with Kouta and she knew that she could not do it as Lucy.

It appeared to me that Lucy was trying to die at the end. She knew that Kouta could not kill her in spite of the promise so she let the soldiers do it. She shot her vectors into the air so she could not instinctively protect herself and then let them shoot her. I do not, however, think that she died. I do think that was her, as Nyu since her horns had not grown back yet, at the end. She already remembered, as Nyu, killing Kouta’s sister. That was why she was apologizing before. I think that she may also remember Kouta telling her that he could never forgive her. That is why she is hesitating. She wants to see Kouta more than anything, but she is afraid that he will reject her and she couldn’t stand that. Also, I don’t think that she is alone. If it is to continue along the line of the Manga I think that she would go off the side of the bridge, seriously wounded, and be rescued by Bando. He has his own code and would feel that he owed her one for letting him live so he would rescue her to repay that, figuring to get his revenge after she recovered. Having someone else kill her would not suit someone like him. He would realize that her Nyu personality was not the same as Lucy and killing her as Nyu would not give him any pleasure. So, when she was healed enough he would let her lead him to where she was staying so he could watch and wait for her to revert to Lucy again. And the Institute would not send more Diclonius to try and locate her until after she had time to grow her horns back.

And I think that seeing Bando die saving Mayu from Lucy could get Kouta in a mood similar to what people have described in the Manga.
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