Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll iDOLM@STER the anime (and spin-offs)
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Old 2011-10-03, 06:58   Link #1028
Unknown Soldier
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by houkoholic View Post
Not unrealistic at all. I've been to a few seiyuu concerts where they sing a completely unheard of new song and everyone easily breaks into the PPPH routine. The idol chasing otaku crowd by nature are conditioned to be like that. It also helps when a lot of the Japanese idol pop songs have very similar beats and the set "A part >bridge>chorus>B part>bridge>chorus" formation. Also it is actually said that some J-pop songs are designed so that the crowd can chant to it, the idea is actually to get the crowd to follow the chanting beat rather than actually listening to the song.
A brief comment on this old post.

The A part -> bridge -> chorus -> B part -> bridge -> chorus structure of a lot of J-pop/rock songs has to do with the fact that anime OPs are roughly 80-90 seconds long. If your song is an anime song, it will have a general structure. In order to fit the "TV-size" version of the song into the OP, it's necessary to structure the song such that the first part and chorus lasts about 80-90 seconds, that's the part that goes into the show's OP. After that there's a bridge, then the second part of the song plays, and then there's usually some kind of instrumental section, and then the chorus repeats, and the song ends. Anime music always has this general structure, and once you've listened to enough of it you get used to this format and the rare anime song that breaks that format is notable and unusual. The first OP of The World God Only Knows is a recent example of an anime OP that absolutely doesn't follow this structure.
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