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Old 2011-10-10, 14:56   Link #218
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
No, it's just the still-growing trend of bashing/hating anything that is popular or could be remotely popular. I liked anime more back when I didn't know about the internet.
Meh whatever money talks and so long as the show is successful anything that's said here wouldn't matter. Given that we're an english forum I doubt we have anything to say much for the direction of any anime in Japan (Which begs the question why people treat like we're the only fans)....

The background is nice but the designs are just so I don't know about you guys but the adults' design minus the professor look a lot better than Flit and his friends.

The kids, just the main ones, stick out like a sore thumb.

I mean seriously....It's not a deal breaking but I'm hoping this guy will get the axe soon.

On that matter some people were talking about red herrings or spoilers on the back of the Gundam. What were those? Aside from the UE destroying their own ally.
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