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Old 2011-10-19, 01:21   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 643 [manga]

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Y'all know the drill by now. Credit to T and aohige as always:

-Chapter title is "Phantom". The ministory focuses on the Saruyama alliance from the Jaya arc, who are on an illusion island in search of a dream land called "Nakurowa" (note that this isn't an accurate translation, since aohige wasn't sure which language the name of the land was borrowed from).

-At the plaza, the royal army is fighting against the enemy pirates. Meanwhile, Robin frees the enslaved human pirates. They ask her why she rescued them, and she answers that she did it as a favor for Jinbei (who she refers to as a lady killer, heh). Hammond then appears and attacks Robin, but it only turned out that what he caught was a bunshin she made with her new move...... Cuerpo Fleur! Her real self then finishes off the fish-pirate with her clutch. The liberated pirates then join in on the fight against Hody's army......

-We then shift to Brooke vs. Zeo. The skeleton explains that during the past two years, he learned how to fully control his yomi yomi DF power. Basically, while his soul is what keeps him tethered to the mortal plane, he can possess other objects to give him an edge in combat, as he proves by possessing his own sword. His blade then becomes as cold as the icy winds of hell. Meanwhile, we take a glimpse at Usopp vs. Daruma, where the sniper is busy laying traps for his opponent while avoiding his attacks.

-The national guards announce to the island via den-den mushi that Noah is falling towards the island again. However, the signal then gets crossed with Luffy's conversation with Fukaboshi. The prince explains that Hody's true nature is that of a monster that was created by the very environment he grew up in. He and his crew fear that their races' hatred towards humanity will fizzle out in due time, so they decided to take action as quickly as possible. They are naught but hollow hoodlums who never truly experienced persecution from humans themselves, which makes them all the more dangerous. We then flash back to Fuka's conversation with Jones a couple chapters back, where he asks him why he hates humanity. Jones simply answers that they did nothing to him. However, he believes that the heavens have given his race the strength to pass judgement upon the wretched humans........

....Wow. Now this is definitely a step up from last week's chapter, if I do say so myself. I'm really loving this new twist with Brooke's soul powers. I can't wait to see how many other ways he can power up his sword with it. Robin's reveal was pretty much as expected (and it was pretty much spoiled by that color page a while back anyhow), and I'm really looking forward to seeing what traps Usopp has in store for Daruma. Yep, looks like the weaker 'Hats are having more interesting fights, indeed (though I'm a little sad that Hammond lost so quickly again..... not that it was surprising, though).

And so Hody's big secret..... wasn't really a secret after all. It was just further confirmation that he's a huge asshole who was horribly misguided. Still, while I can already foresee some people complaining that Oda was trolling us with "false tension" or whatever, I welcome the fact that we have a villain who doesn't have some deep, complicated backstory that serves as his motivation for revenge. Besides, such people like Hody even exist in real life, as sad as it may be. In fact, we sorta already had a villain like that with Eneru, so I really see no reason to complain about this "twist".

Oh, and for the ministory: Sounds very interesting. So Cricket isn't interested in just sky islands, eh? I hope we find out the proper translation of that dream land's name soon.....
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