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Old 2011-10-23, 09:00   Link #227
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Originally Posted by Commenter at Random Curiosity
Sanetoshi’s comments especially highlighted the fact that some children are stuck in the family trap: no matter how they are mistreated, family is family and you must love it. THAT is the sick part, THAT is one of the central messages here, and not discuss the implications of genital remodeling.

I really liked this comment and agree it probably was the central theme of the episode. Obviously Sanetoshi was talking to Kanba but it implied to Yuri & her love for her father too (and in general a child has to love their parents).

But can we say this is a theme of the whole story? Yuri's father was the most messed up we've seen so far.

But we have the Takakura parents who committed a terrible crime yet in many ways the children who have not run away from society have to be the ones to stand up for their parents crimes (and possibly in Kanba's case do something much worse).

Ringo's parents did not mean to but they put her in the middle of their bickering relationship and this affected her outlook on life.

Well actually I won't say it's just loving your parents because unlike the Yuri situation I don't think Ringo and the Takakura siblings have any reason not to love their parents. But I think they have a reason to say "you messed up as parents"

Certainly I think what we owe family just because they are family is an important theme that runs through the series.
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