Thread: Macross "Canon"
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Old 2011-10-26, 05:09   Link #4
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Age: 48
If you read the two interviews from Kawamori in the OP, his statements are actually contradictory.

Statement 1: All series are just in-universe fictional depictions of events which happened therein.

Statement 2: The different interpretations of the series are parallel worlds.

Statement two negates statement one. You cannot say that those different interpretations are just fictional in the "real" Macross universe, if you grant them the status of "real" parallel worlds.

IMO, Kawamori is just making it up as he goes. There is no overachieving goal he is trying to push. As such, he is casually indifferent to what "real" canon is and will just take the stuff he likes for the next project he's involved with. We will probably never get a resolution to many of our current questions about Macross Frontier, just as with the older series.

Sorry if this is kind of a downer opening post, but I just don't see Kawamori being all that concerned about the canonicity of events.
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