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Old 2011-10-28, 01:07   Link #271
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Edinburgh
Age: 42
ps360 games these days run at sub and up to 720p with some sort of AA. Furthermore most of them are locked at 30fps. Except for Ridge racer 7, no other retail game has ever reached 1080p@60fps, and that was a launch title. All the other games that claims to be running at 1080p are using tricks like 1280x1080p, see gt5, or are just upscaling. So in a way the HD revolution in console gaming, this gen, is/was a marketing Bullcr@p.
Unless a game is just for consoles, like Dark Souls, always get the PC version, besides you can use the 360 or PS3 controllers on it if you want.
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