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Old 2011-11-06, 22:17   Link #262
Madness Through Sound
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Californiaaaaaa
Age: 33
Originally Posted by ~Yami~ View Post
Luffy X Robin (well, Robin got quite close with Luffy's father for two years so maybe there's an approval from parents)

well, Luffy X Hancock maybe not too bad

for Zoro??? maybe I'm the only ZoroXPerona supporter here... XD

ZoroXPerona for sure haha. It's kind of like a love hate relationship and they don't really show that many interactions between them, but you can tell there's a little something especially after this last episode like where they all meet up finally.

There's a scene where it shows Perona sitting high up on this wooden platform then her saying how she caused him trouble until the end, but then her changing her tone of voice and kind of depressingly say how she has to find a new boytoy now and the way it was shown like it doesn't show her eyes and she just has her head down and she squeezes her small plushie that she has with her when she says it.

Shows that she's definitely going to miss him haha

Normally I don't like going along with these romance things because the majority of them are based off peoples fantasies and imaginations and have almost absolutely no evidence shown in the manga or anime.

Luffy doesn't have that kind of relationship vibe toward anyoneee. He might show a LITTLE bit, but not enough to mean anything.. like when Luffy rescued Nami from Arlong and what's going on right now in the manga with Luffy and the mermaid princess, but that's about it Some might show feelings toward him like Hancock, but nothing will ever have a chance of happening lolol.

Zoro and tashig is obvious though hah. Seems like Zoro is the only one in the group that has those little relationship side stories that I like so much lolol. Because i'm always like hoping that something might happen and it builds up alot, but it either doesn't happen for a longg time or something happens at the very end

Sanji is just SOL and nothing is ever going to happen because it just won't be the same and it just won't be Sanji if something did :P.

Last edited by Prinnydood; 2011-11-06 at 22:31.
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