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Old 2011-11-08, 12:55   Link #34
Yui Is My Wife
Paper-Fan of DOOM!!
Join Date: Jul 2010
Originally Posted by mangatron View Post
Before you do anything, ask yourself the important question:

Would you let her suck your blood? ..........
Of course I would, I'm a gentleman!!

Only a beast would make a cutie like her suck his sem....

(SMASHED over the head with Sena's giant hammer)

(Weakly quivering) Hopefully YOU are a gentleman too, Mighty Mangatro.... (Croaks)

I would dare say, without KanaHana these characters wouldn't have had the personality we all have come to love Truth be told, it's one of those situations where I don't want to think what the characters would have sounded like with a different VA.
I can't wait to see Noto Mamiko turn up on way or another, because the two current sweetest and cutest anime voices always work so perfectly together; be it as rivals in Freezing or as an adorable child befriending an equally cute-and-cuddly-mommy in Ro Kyu Bu.

Hmm, now that I think about it, how would Kobato-chan sound if she is voiced by NotoMami?
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