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Old 2011-11-10, 18:57   Link #1883
Loves the Experience
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Originally Posted by JediNight View Post
Think about it from Shu's perspective now: He's been lied to or used by multiple people now. I think I would have major trust issues after learning all that. Gai is using him. Inori misled him. The GHQ guy is shady and says they're the good guys, but then they use a giant death ray, etc.

Hard for him to really trust anyone at this point.
You have no idea how much I groaned at everything Shu went through in this episode alone. That has got to be one of the most unfair and unintentionally unpleasant things to do to a character that I've ever seen since Yuuichi from Hanbun No Tsuki Ga Noboru Sora.

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