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Old 2011-11-14, 11:33   Link #166
AS Oji-kun
Join Date: Nov 2006
Age: 74
Yes, at least that was true for Mononoke, which sold about 12,000 units. Eden of the East was also an anime-original, as was [C]. However I suspect the non-otaku market is all but gone for noitaminA now since they've chosen to follow the same path as 90% of all anime producers.

Originally Posted by cyth View Post
I fully expected this type of response, and maybe I'm naive (no, I'm pretty sure I am), but the consumer, the fan, if you will, likes to think that there's genuine love involved in producing entertainment.
The animators and writers might love the material they are producing, but they're not the ones calling the shots. That's the job of the "production committee," which usually includes publishers, music executives, toy and game manufacturers, and the like. Their job is to make money for their respective enterprises; they're likely not driven by a desire to carry on some artistic quest.
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