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Old 2011-11-18, 11:31   Link #17
Join Date: Apr 2004
Originally Posted by asaqe View Post
What I want is the "western" tropes and literary devices on war and desperate fights for survival applied to Gundam. A protagonist who "falls" so to speak, where he cannot and is not interested in peace. Only in death does the misery end
Pretty depressing but I can see that turning out to be epic. Basically he can end up becoming the villain of the story.

The general theme of Gundam is anti-war (except G Gundam where fighting is a form of communication and respect in martial arts), but they never really discuss about what war really serves as a function in our society. War served to move things a lot further in many ways in the real world. It helped the advances in communication in the forms of technology and cultural clash. It served an important role in getting us to where we are today, with it's fair share of side effects. Gundam would be the perfect franchise to explore that, they usually do this by exploring how horrible it has effected average citizens during the war. But in reality most of war's effects come into play after the end of the war.
Setsuna's reason for fighting is rather flawed and forced. It also doesn't help that he ends up with a super Gundam that probably rivals Turn A in strength but is only used to be an advanced watsapp.

They still have ways to go... if the rumors are true about time-traveling in AGE and humanity's desperation, they can explore survival themes (liek Battlestar Galactica).
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