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Old 2011-11-19, 11:18   Link #2479
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Originally Posted by felix View Post
Nobody said anything like "Guilty Crown [is bad because it] is just a rehash of series X". I don't see no problem in making parallels.
Right, those constant comments in the vein of "OMG, GC is just like series X, WTF?" are positive comments.

Originally Posted by felix View Post
Nobody is going about characterization "in the future" and things like "how bad it will be". If you want to discuss characterization after episode 13 then just ignore the thread and come back after episode 13. Currently the thread is about Ep1 to Ep7. Your carpet bombing argument that everyone is wrong because it will be better, is baseless given the current information. How do you know the reveal on the background won't just be the worse plot in anime history? How do you even know it will be this all mighty discussion-deus-ex-machina you're making it out to be? Nobody can say if it will be better or if it will just get worse, and nobody is trying to (or should bother outside of speculation).
I'm not saying it will be better or that it will be worse. I am saying that it is pretty damn clear that the characters are not moving forward very much because the mystery of their connection to each other is one of the main plot points the series has at the moment.

If the reveal will be well told or not is still in the stars. Neither is it clear, if holding the characters back in their development to build up tension to the enventual reveal will pay off in time or will result in the characterization being ultimately stunted.

But there are tons of replies in this thread or on Random Curiousity where people don't seem to see that... they just live in the now and want instant gratification. That tends to piss me off, because, IMO, it encourages one-couer shows with less complex stories.

The eye-candy is keeping people watching the show for now, but the writers do seem to have a deeper-layered plan than "Gai looks GAR, Inori looks sexy, Shu gets to touch her tits, let's blow things up!". But people here ignore that in favor of "lulz, GC is just like Evangelion/Code Geass/whatever even slightly similar show I saw in the past!" and "why aren't they making Shu resolve all his inner conflicts in episode 5 of 22?!?".
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