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Old 2011-11-20, 15:04   Link #64
Love Yourself
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Northeast USA
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Animeilove View Post
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one. Even so, I realli wish, realli hope that this Anime Ending Depression (AED) - made up name - would stop or at least go down XD and it has went down a tiny bit - thank GOD!
Don't worry, it will.

I started watching anime as a young to mid teenager around the end of middle school. I got into anime and games fairly heavily. The end of a series, whether anime or a game, left my heart feeling heavy. Others have expressed the sentiment beautifully: it's like saying goodbye to close friends and knowing that you'll never see them again, or leaving behind a familiar place with no intent of returning.

I spent much of grade school dreaming, waiting for life to really begin. I went through college, graduate school, and now medical school. I met and befriended many people, went many places, and got married. As I progressed I watched less anime, and found it difficult to watch shows even when I had the inclination to. I no longer connect with series and characters as I once did. Finishing a series or game now no longer leaves me with that empty feeling, but rather a small sense of accomplishment (because now it's hard for me to find the time and remain dedicated enough to even get to the end!).

I still feel nostalgia for those old series and the feelings that they evoked. I also marvel at how anime brought them out, and what it all meant psychologically. For better or for worse, it's not something that I can return to at this point in my life.
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