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Old 2011-11-27, 06:53   Link #24
RES-01 Perses Gundam
A Contradiction Beneath
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Singapore
Originally Posted by KaiDamien View Post
Honestly i think this is the most pathetic episode among the 8 episodes. For an episode that's supposed to focus on fights, its fights are really pathetic. For starters , its freaking obvious that the UE ain't putting in any efforts. The writers better have a really good reason when they reveals who the UE really are.

I have got no problem with Titus being wrestler-based and i was pretty curious to see it in action. But the practicability of its weapons are at times questionable. I wonder about the alogrithms of the AGE system , basically how the hell did it come up with an answer like smashing the enemy with its fists when there isn't any beam weaponery on its fist or why didn't it consider beam-blades etc

Anyway im glad they expanded upon Largan's fight against Baqto(spelling error?) though it was very obvious the UE wasn't putting in any effort. And what a mystery at the end of the episode with Zedas in that factory. With only a few episodes left for this generation, i'm pretty curious as to how they will handle the characters like Yark, Woolf etc and relate them to the next gen. I get a feeling Woolf will be frozen in some kind of sleep and reawaken when Flit's son gets his gundam.

EDIT: The G-Exes was a tad cooler then Titus . Strange as it sounds, the coolest thing in this episode is Baqto's chest beam blades.
How hard is it to grasp the logic of placing beam weapons on the limbs to attack the UE? It was already explained that due to the ineffectiveness of beam rifles, such weapons (placed at strategic spots) were necessary to defeat the UE.
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