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Old 2011-11-30, 22:53   Link #10616
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
@ Rain - Wait, how did Koyomi and Kuu take over the world? o.O Anyway, aren't both their crushes Irish? What'll happen to the other dudes?

The apocalypse themed omake would be funny but it would turm dark in the end. Irish would kill himself rather than get raped. Kyuukai and Ichika would be turned into test subjects later and pretty much lose all sense of living.

The Yamada fic will be in tangent with Irish's character develoment in Shadow.

The Kyuubey fic would be short since Irish would stab him on sight. The drunk Ichika would work for all the protags. Ichika's a playboy when drunk, Irish is an innocent shota and Kyuukai is a stoic bad boy. Cue chaos the next morning.

How about this: The males find an organization that threatens to destroy their very existence. It is called "The BL appreaciation club"! Sponsored by Tabane and various other leaders.
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