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Old 2011-12-07, 15:21   Link #102
23 gundam fan
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: north carolina
let me say i really like 0083 and the art is some of the best i have seen, it still in my opinion holds up well today. i also think the 80 music is rad. but the problem i have is the main character kou(who is my favorite character) doesnt do anything as far as feats go. most gundam main characters have one or more major feats in there series. all you have to do is answer these questions. does kou stop the gundam from being taken, does kou keep the the gundam from leaving earth. does kou stop gato from shooting the nuke. does kou stop the colony drop. your answers to these question will tell you if kou did anything worthwild in this show, and sadly the answer is NO. the most frustating part about all of this is at the end of the show what do the writers give him, they give kou the spotlight of killing cima. cima you guys. not the great gato but cima, whats her reputatuion as a ms pilot. not on the level of gatos i would think. it was almost like a pity victory they gave kou. at least let him have taken down gato in battle.(i am not even gonna touch the nina factor, thats a rant for another time)
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