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Old 2011-12-08, 14:52   Link #105
23 gundam fan
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Originally Posted by RX-78GP04G Gerbera View Post
Actually, if anything, the fact that he DIDN'T really do anything (at least "officially" as all the more secretive records of the Delaz Conflict along with the Gundam Development Project were erased) in the long-run actually makes him one of the more realistic main characters at least.

Unlike main characters like Amuro, Kamille, Judau, and others who are much more focused on and, whether by themselves or on their team, seem to single-handedly change the course of the Universal Century in some way, main characters like Kou Uraki, Shiro Amada, Yu Kajima (Blue Destiny), the White Dingo Team (Rise from the Ashes) and such are just ordinary soldiers within the Earth Federation who, overall, really didn't do anything of the sort.

Yes, they had their moments within their own stories, but in the big picture of things, really WEREN'T big deals and were very isolated incidents.

Very much like real life military. You may have a few soldiers doing notable things on missions and getting honors for it, but it's not like every single one of those actions will greatly affect the war/conflict they're involved in and/or alter the course of history like capturing Saddam Hussein or killing Osama Bin Laden did.

Also, I think it's a bit unfair to put all the blame on Kou. Yes, he's the main character, but he was also part of the whole Albion crew who was also tasked to do the same things along with other Federation forces. It's not like Kou was the absolute only one tasked to or trying to do all those things that they failed at. Though, that also makes it more realistic as, when it comes to war and conflict, you won't win all the time and can lose pretty often and it's the soldiers who usually pay for it.

As for Cima, while she may not have an extensive background and is more of a minor character in 0083, she is hardly a bad pilot herself given she was, IIRC, pretty high up in Zeon's Marine Corps which are the ones who did the dirty work, like the initial colony gas attacks for Operation British. (The initial leader passed the blame of the attacks onto Cima and her squad while he escaped to Axis at the end of the OYW, which is why she and the other Marines under command are so scorned by both sides.)

The fact that she had a Gelgoog Marine Commander Type along with commanding a Zanzibar-class ship also shows that she must've had good skills to be given such a strong and rare MS (in terms of normal OYW MS, only the Gelgoog Jager surpasses it) and ship (only the Gwazine-class and Dolos-class were bigger and more powerful at the time).
i see what you are saying but in regards to kou and the albion crew being tasked to go after unit 1, remember the albion crew wasnt given the gundam. kou was that in itself sets him apart. when kou is entrusted with the federations most advanced gundam, one would expected a lot from him. he also had the permission from lt burning and the captain. you have to believe a lot was expected. he did perform best in the gundam as well. on to cima as far as her ms abilities, we have to go on what we have seen. just because she had access to a advance ms, that in itself doesnt mean much. remember gato is famous and his tactics are taught by the federation for god sake. think about that, gato is one man any of the albion ms pilots were looking to take down. not cima there is a reason for that.
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