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Old 2011-12-10, 03:34   Link #1617
Labda Prakarsa Nirwikara
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Pekanbaru (UTC+07:00)
Age: 37
Really? It's been a really, really long time since I last read Naruto but IIRC Kagebunshin no Jutsu is always subjected to Conservation of Ninjutsu - if there's a hundred of clones then they'll lose, but if there's only a few there's a chance of victory.

Same here. The nun using dozens of clones turned into a weakness since she attacked simultaneously instead of using a few as bait before flanking a distracted Victoria, and in turn the latter just nuke the advancing army (Modern firepower, ladies and gentlemen, never underestimate it )

Oh, and the head-smash? I can just see Victoria yelling "This is what you get for Trolling ME!" And her halberd...I've waited years for someone to take over the weapon-type that Fate had abandoned. And that her clothes design doesn't look like a stripper (seriously, she's more modest than the nun? )... oh I think I've found a new favorite Vivid character
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