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Old 2011-12-18, 09:13   Link #1006
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
For those who didn't check the website recently, Key is running a character popularity poll right now, until the end of the year.
You can vote up to 3 characters per day, and the winner will have a special wallpaper. 2nd and 3rd ones will have their own wallpaper with illustrations already done (should a character without any specific illustration manages to reach the top3, Hinoue will create an illustration regardless of their place).

The poll is located here.

Going to vote for Lucia every day, but I suspect that Shizuru will just steamroll everything... the obvious popularity and marketing with her is just a dead giveaway.

Also, some goods will be sold during this c81, at Visual's arts booth. While we have the usual overpriced stuff like calendar and whatnot (wahahaha, Mahou Shoujo Kagari, just as planned ), a single for Phylosophyz and Yami no Kanate he by mintjam caught my interest badly. I guess I will pay a visit to this booth after all, fhumu.


Last edited by Klashikari; 2011-12-18 at 09:27.
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