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Old 2012-01-02, 13:02   Link #250
Watching From Above
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Jordan
Originally Posted by MalakTawus View Post
1-Sorry but you are wrong,even when both of them awakened Cassy continued to consider Roxy inferior and said to her that she was just a number two.
Also their mind don't completely change,if Cassy consider Roxy just a number two is because even in her normal form she saw her just as a number two,it's useless trying to deny this evidence.
Ehm,it's a FACT that Roxy didn't fight against Cassy.
The only reasonthat Cassy was hurt is because she WANTED to be hurt during that attack (and btw Roxy wasn't the one to hurt Cassy!!!Roxy just gave her the killing blow at the very end,like a coward,lol).All that Roxy did was killing Cassy when she was already in very critical conditions.
It's a fact that Roxy killed all her other friends alone,and it's also a fact that instead Roxy decided to kill Cassy in thta way.It doesn't take a genius that the ONLY logical reason for her to change her pattern is because Roxy wasn't confident to be able to kill Cassy in a one on one fight.

Also knowing about a technique helps sometimes but it's meaningless most of the times,lol.
Example: the ghosts know perfectly well about Claire's QS.Do you think that can help them if Claire was trying to kill them? NO!!!

Just because Roxy saw Cassy's technique it doesn't mean that she can defeat her,those are two completely different things.

Also it's 100% sure that Cassy awakened simply because she remembered about Roxy and was FURIOUS.

Also your theory is weak as hell 'cause not even Histy needed to awaken to kill Miria,lol. If instead of awakening she simply take out the sword from the neck and continued fighting like normal she would have surely won 'cause there is no doubt that Histy is A LOT stronger than Miria even if she stays in human form.
Miria won only thanx to a trick,no way that would have happened a second time.

The ONLY one that was forced to awaken was Roxy,no one else.

2- Considering the difference in speed (with great control) and power,if Histy wants to kill someone there is absolutely nothing that the ghosts can do atm.
Their only chance is to hope that Histy understimate them too much and gives them the opportunity to do something to lower the accuracy of her movements (maybe cutting her hooks to the ground),at this point MAYBE Miria can do something to kill her (since it would be very bad for Histy to have an immense speed with no control over it).
BUT this will work only if Histy lowers her guard too much,if she fights mercilessly from the very beginning she could easily kill all of the ghosts in a few moments.

3-It would be an interesting theory if it wans't for the fact that we have seen clearly that she doesn't leave her spikes to the ground in the beginning (but maybe that's what she is planning to do at the very end when she launches all her spikes).
Anyway even with your theory,linking ONLY to one hook (that's what you said) to change direction would give her a very bad manouvrability.
1- Ok you're really seeing every proof I listed the way you wanted to see it.

a- Cassandra was cut in a way that no matter what she does she wont survive without awakening so her chances vs Roxanne are below zero!!!! Probably a number 9 can easily finish her without having any problems.

b- Cassandra's rage is undeniable but that doesn't mean rage is the key to the inevitable awakening that Dae talked about. And I only logicked two ways either conscious battle or the feeling path:
- the feeling path is that they must feel a certain way in order to awaken and the only thing fits in is unable to defeat the opponent like the three felt when they awakened (Cassandra with her missed up body, and so is Roxanne and Hysteria when she was dying like I explained before).
- the conscious battle : when there conscious is weaker than the arm's (Priscilla's) then they simply awaken and that means when they are about to die (like Hysteria's case) or lost themselves (Cassandra's case) or simply had a huge doubt about their power and made their conscious weaker than Pris's (probably like Roxanne).

c- The feeling path is undeniably working and you can't say it is wrong unless Yagi says so. but the conscious battle has a weak thing which is Roxanne's because there is no proof that her mind was weaker even when she lost her fore-limbs.

d- Cassandra being stronger than Roxanne now that's based on what a couple of talks but Roxanne being the stronger has a higher chance because there have been many proofs being given by Yagi and Gooral listed them.

2- very true. But I'm not talking atm I'm talking if! but your theory actually is pretty good and I believe this will happen unless Clare & Pris show up.

3- maybe more than one hook doesn't matter what matters is the theory itself physically and logically works and this might happen in the next chapter as Hysteria scattered all her spikes in the last page this chapter.
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