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Old 2004-12-15, 08:27   Link #32
Bishoujo Game Enthusiast
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Belgium
Age: 38
Why should he have to jusitfy his choices to you? That is what nintendo fans do they bash everyone else and only accept what others say if they agree that nintendo rules.
I'm sorry, but I'm not a Nintendo fanboy.
I'm a Sega fanboy who has a GameCube since most games I like come out on that system.

Why he should justify? Because it's easy to say "this sucks" without backing it up. You can scream all you want, but it won't have any meaning unless you can say why, which makes your opinion valid and backed up.
Really I miss the NeoGeo Pocket C<-- what does the C stand for again?
Neo Geo Pocket Color.

Yeah, I wish that console would have stayed alive. It was a neat thing. More colors than the Game Boy Color on screen at the same time (146 vs. 32 or something), and twice the battery life (40 vs. 20).
I still have mine.
You all have to remember that Nintendo is THE name in handhelds. They practically invented the handheld.
Yeah, right. You must be brainwashed by the Game Boy because it has been here for a long time now.
At the time, there was the Sega Game Gear and the NEC PC Engine handheld.
The Game Gear had color and a backlighted screen. It was great for the time. But its horrible battery life (3 hours on SIX batteries) killed it, along with the price.
I don't know the story behind NEC's handheld...
But people trust Nintendo for making tiny things they can use for a long time.
There's a reason for that. Except for the NES, their first system, all their systems barely break. They are rock solid.
Hell, I was talking to someone the other day, who said that he and his friends wanted to see how solid the Nintendo 64 was, by putting it on the street and running over it with a car.
It didn't break.
As for Sony, I'm not sure if this is their first handheld system ever, but it is obviously one of the few. People need to give that a thought before all the bashing on Sony starts going down for having a terrible launch.
That's a poor excuse, given their track record of faulty systems. They've even been sued for purposely selling faulty hardware. The PSOne had some problems. The PS2 had a lot of problems. Now the PSP has a lot of problems. I think the bashing is justified.
Nintendo used to own the console market. So using that they own something isn't a valid excuse anymore
Used to own the console market? Not true. Sure, in the NES days, except for Europe, it dominated the world. But the SNES was a different story. There was strong competition in the US, Japan was in SNES' grasp, and Europe was in the grasp of... the Sega Mega Drive.
They were foolish to make their Nintendo 64 work with cartridges, which are expensive and don't allow for a lot of space. Until they make a similar mistake with the DS, I don't think they will lose that easily this time.
Sony sold 85% of their shipped PSP's in two days. People lined up to get it you people need to get over yourselves.
But 85% of what?
200000 units. They were even AFRAID to lose so they didn't ship more.
The Nintendo DS sold 640000+ on its first day. Beat that.
There is more than enough negative to say about the DS but the other fans are happier playing games than bitching about other companies.
Like what? Dead pixels?
There weren't that many, and they all got replaced immediately by Nintendo for free. They even got a free game of their choice for their inconvenience.
Sony doesn't replace faulty PSPs.
Nintendo has better customer service, obviously.

People are returning their faulty PSPs to pick up the remaining DSs in Japan.
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