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Old 2012-01-09, 22:30   Link #944
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Goggen View Post
First off, KyoAni hasn't made any statements regarding Haruhi at all (that I know of). The "no plans" comment came from a random Kadokawa representative. Also, there was no direct quote so the exact wording remains unknown.

Secondly, they did not go "out of their way" to make any statement - unless I'm mistaken, it was a response to a direct question. The same stock response companies always give to inconvenient questions of this nature.

I wouldn't take this as an attempt at marketing. Or anything at all, really.
Normally I wouldn't but then the way Haruhi (2009) happened kind of speaks for itself as to how bizzarely they'll go about promoting the franchise.

I believe "viral marketing" is the phrase one would normally use for this type of thing, but hey, if you want to phrase it in the most damning way possible, that works. Subtle manipulation, indeed.
I think it's just plain bad marketing and treating the fanbase like a bunch free advertising conduits so yeah the intent to be damning is definitely there in this case. I just find the way Kadokawa handles it's marketing to be among the least desirable ways of going about such a thing.

Originally Posted by Ithekro View Post
Well Haruhi seems to be the only series that has managed to get away with that pattern of promotion. I don't see Sunrise being able to pull that off with Gundam without some heads rolling from the fans.

Maybe Type-Moon with one of their Fate series, but even that might not go over well. (Fate/Prototype for example sort of appeared out of nothing with mixed results...but it was with another Type-Moon product, Carnival Phantasm. It didn't just appear in TV randomly)
I like how people often treat this like it's a good thing or something to be celebrated. To me it just looks like the definitive example of a fanbase rewarding bad behavior from a producer and it probably wouldn't fly anywhere else with any other fanbase. Make no mistake I do not consider this a good thing at all for either the fans or the company in questions reputation. Also I just plain don't see Sunrise doing something like this period. They're kind of on the opposite side of the spectrum what with just drowning fans in little tidbits, special events for interested parties, and frequent updates as to a projects progress, airtime and scheduling. I kind of see this as the better method of promotion even if it does lead to almost too many spoilers at times. Making the fan feel appreciated, welcomed and like they should be given all the information they desire about an upcoming project of there's...that's pretty generous corporate behavior and probably not all that inexpensive either.
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