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Old 2012-01-10, 09:16   Link #226
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Australia
Count me in the camp that actually likes the OP lol. I don't like the sequence though. Even if the song wasn't too fitting, the sequence could have made it better. So far only the Rozen Maiden staff and Beetrain have been able to make good use of an AliPro song imo.

Well that aside, the first episode was good, if not lacking in the animation department. The visual quality and music was top notch and the atmosphere good, but the doll transition cuts feel like they're trying a bit too hard to make things eerie.

The mystery itself has been established well enough, with a lot of hints that nothing is right and a very big secret is being kept from Kouichi. As unsubtle as it was presented, it felt necessary. Here's to hoping the rest of the buildup and revelations will be worthwhile and accompanied by some good horror scenes that are well, actually horrifying.
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