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Old 2012-01-12, 09:13   Link #951
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Nano should count as a mech right? She is a robot afterall, might've even shot an odd missle or two throughout Nichijou's run lol


On the viral marketing thing. Kadokawa has openly stated that one of the main strategies for Haruhi was unorthodox marketing. It seems unlikely that this tactic will change anytime soon if ever since it has become an almost signature trademark for the franchise. Combine that along with the increasing number of companies who seem to be going more and more nuts with viral marketing techniques and yea it's probably gonna stay with Haruhi a little while more.

2009 was certainly in bad taste, but to be fair the franchise did initially take off from such unorthodox techniques too. If you look at the intial broadcast order, various website shenanigans and of course the Hare Hare Yukai dance (this may've been accidental though, I don't think anyone could've planned nor expected this to blow up as it did lol) among others, they were all things that largely helped in getting the franchise off the ground.

I don't think that they're methods are entirely and completely bad per say, just that 2009 was a bad decision in itself and to be honest I don't think any sort of marketing would've been able to salvage that. But at the same time I can sorta understand the behind-the-scenes type reasoning as to why they went ahead with what they did though.

Originally Posted by 0utf0xZer0 View Post
For the most part, I'm not inclined to read much into the statement - after how Haruhi 2009 backfired on Kadokawa, being low key seems like a logical response.

That said... I can't help but notice ANN only says they deny a third season. Anyone know if the franchise is in a position that would allow for another movie at the moment?
I agree that it's probably best to not pay any more attention to that comment.
Content wise and using the wiki chapter list, I'm guestimating that there's 5 more short stories and 3 more main story arcs left that they havn't animated, although one on those main arcs is still ongoing.
Someone whose read past Live A Live please correct me and/or help elaborate more if you can. I'm pretty sure I must've messed some of that up lol
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Last edited by brocko; 2012-01-12 at 09:23.
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