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Old 2012-01-17, 03:44   Link #2017
Pretentious moe scholar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Dhomochevsky View Post
What they really want to avoid is not sex, but the hassle that comes with a relationship. If there was sex without that, they would gladly take it over any moe.
Well, I will agree that 2D > 3D isn't so far remove the "who needs girls when you have video games" stuff I remember (much as I'd prefer not to) espousing in my teens, so I think it's safe to say much of it is bravado and nerd pride. That said, speaking as a moe fan though, it would take a lot more than some sex to make me quit moe culture, simply because that wouldn't replace everything I get out of it.

Originally Posted by Dhomochevsky View Post
Incidently, this is the topic of many moe anime: The surprise girlfriend out of nowhere, the "forced" harem, the non existent effort for getting any girls interest into the male char (they are all childhood friends, bound to him by story, or deeply in love with him for no obvious reason). Never has the male lead to actually work for a girls attention, it is always out of fate, coincidence, or just forced by storywriting, that they swarm on him, rather than anyone else.
Careful - I think you're confusing harem anime and moe anime. Harem anime has assimilated a lot of moe's sensibilities, but harems and dream girls have been around in anime for a long, long time. The more interesting change to me is in what archetypes people go for.

Originally Posted by Dhomochevsky View Post
There are social aspects at play here, but moe anime and otaku culture is the result of it, not the cause.
I've always kind of wondered why they got this specific result though. I mean, you've got disgruntled geeks everywhere - most of them turn to other forms of nerd escapism. I would be hard pressed to say I was disgruntled in either my pre-moe fan phase or my moe fan phase - until I got pissed off about "lonely otaku stereotypes" and started looking to prove them wrong.

Now that being said, I do think that the rise of the herbivore male plays a role here. A man needs to reject - or at the very least arms length relationship with - machismo to embrace something as cutesy and "girly" (how often do people mistake moe for shoujo?) as moe culture.

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