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Old 2012-01-18, 15:12   Link #6280
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I'm right behind you
Age: 41

Would YOU pay to visit Hitler's hideout? Yes, I of course understand the "never let this happen again" educational value of preserving Auschwitz and other Nazi-related sites, but I'm not completely convinced of the value of restoring and charging admission to Hitler's bunker, or promoting it as a must-see attraction. For one thing, obviously the Germans are concerned with paying too much tribute to Hitler-related sites, lest they attract neo-Nazis. Maybe just a few informational plaques would suffice.

And yes, I know Poland has a particularly tragic history, but one wonders if their tourism board could find some more positive attractions to promote. It does have a lot more to offer than Auschwitz and Nazi relics (please, PLEASE don't take that sentence the wrong way).
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