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Old 2012-01-20, 22:55   Link #17
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
Because the main point is not to annihilate the Flame Hazes. It's for Snake to return and complete his Creation.
Yeah they really drove that point home when they started massacring the retreating flame hazes like cattle.

BTW, Sydonay is....really really powerful.
More powerful than even alastor apparently. Nothing can harm him.

One thing to keep in mind is that the fights Sydonay had at the end of both the first and second season were apparently anime original, so they may not be a good way to judge his strength. Both his fights against Margery (during the incestuous twin arc and in Margery's flashback) were based on the Light Novels I believe, but unless my memory fails me, he did not have his special weapon with him in either case.
Even without Sydonay the other Crimson Denizens/lords demonstrated that they were more than capable of easily bringing down the other flame hazes. That lion easily brought down the Stone Golem with a single shout and Sabracc just went, "oh a stone golem" and then proceded to pwn him as well.

I'm sorry but to it's just so mind boggling.

It's like "OMG it's one of the Monster Gods!"

Other crimson Denizen, "'s him...well let's fight"

5 seconds later Flame Haze is dead and the Denizen hasn't even broken a sweat and has no scratches on him.
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