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Old 2012-01-21, 18:58   Link #31
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2007
Yes, I support your point. We may not agree with all of J. C. Staff's decisions, but we are grateful that the anime ending is same as the novel ending. That is the most important matter, aside from the fact that the anime is more faithful to the novels.

Originally Posted by SoldierOfDarkness View Post
It's just ridiculous that here you have 3-4 of the strongest flame hazes fighting against Sydoney and they can't even scratch him. Hell the guy wasn't even sweating during the fight.

Throughout the whole series we've met with powerful flame hazes but none of them could ever match any of the trinity or guys like Sabracc in a one on one or even 3 on one fight.
Shana and others are merely delaying time as they wait to be transported by Chiara and Sale, hence they are not attacking Sydonay at full strength. Sydonay himself pointed out that they are not really fiercely attacking him, as it should be. Another reasons for not attacking Sydonay at full strength is that they let time passes by, as to create the false impression among Bal Masque that Tendōkyū appears to have left the battle scene.

Of course, Shana and others can match Sydonay's strength, only if they work together. Still, I do not underestimate his strength. There is unofficial power level tier in this forum, stating that Sydonay is as strong as SoF Yuji, and is stronger than Shana.


Is Sale Habichtsburg being contracted to 2 different Crimson Lords? I know that Chiara Toscana is being contracted to just a single Crimson Lord with two personalities.
I know that both of them are partners. However, their closeness with each other seems to suggest that they may be more than just partners.

Last edited by alvinkhorfire; 2012-01-21 at 19:28.
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