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Old 2012-01-21, 21:09   Link #37
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Mad_Scientist View Post
I think you're pretty much correct. What choice did JC Staff really have? After the end of season 2, they had very little material from the novels they hadn't already adapted, aside from the stuff involving Yuji's ascension as Snake of the Festival. And that is not a plot thread they could have really started without knowing how it ends, not unless they wanted to go for an anime original ending (which I am glad they did not do.)

JC Staff made a lot of questionable decisions in their adaption, but waiting until the novels finish so that they can have the same ending is one decision I agree with.
The only thing I would say again is to keep in mind that J.C.Staff produces the animation (i.e. they mostly coordinate the sub-contractors to get the work done), but they're only one of the partners who actually produce the show. The decision on when to animate what doesn't rest with J.C.Staff alone, but with ASCII Media Works, Geneon, and all the other partners in the Production Committee. Often times, the director and scriptwriters don't even work for the animation production studio (they're often contractors hired by the production committee). So I think people shouldn't be so quick to either blame or praise J.C.Staff alone for any of these big production decisions; even if they had wanted to make a new anime sooner, they'd still have to get the approval (and financial support) of all the other companies involved; they don't own the property, so they can't make the big decisions on their own. J.C.Staff produces a lot of shows with a lot of different partners, and these don't have as much in common as people generally think they do.

That being said, I do like the trend of final seasons that bring the conclusion in alignment with the source material, though I wonder if that'll keep happening if the long delays mean that sales suffer. Then again, even with the lower sales, it's probably still a safer bet than some other random new property they could have tried.
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