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Old 2012-01-26, 15:29   Link #9
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Originally Posted by Flawnalyst View Post
With all that blood? Doubt it. And that really doesn't change the fact that the scene didn't add anything to the episode. It's never brought up again, it wasn't funny, etc. But I guess they had to give her something to do, didn't they?
I got the feeling that the scene was meant to give us a sense of how unnecessarily brutal Inori can be (whether she shot or beat them up, that amount of blood was excessive), what with how aloof she was in steering Shu away from the bodies. Whether that will be relevant later or not remains to be seen.

Anyway, the episode was pretty good. The premise was alright (because, to be fair to the students, whats-her-face was stumbling all over the place and generally not helping much), and the only thing that really made me roll my eyes was Tsugumi's ultra convenient, "Oh, I found this device for reading Voids of all things lying on the ground!" (unless there was a prior explanation for this that I'm forgetting). Shu was pretty cool toward the end, and so long as that kind of growth in him remains consistent I'll be happy. I didn't dislike Shu nearly as much as some people seem to have, but he is definitely improving.
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