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Old 2012-02-03, 17:55   Link #25
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Canada
And Somnus checks back into the building.

What a great episode, these two make a really cute couple. It's good to see they're so open about it too, as opposed to Tsukasa; though while still awesome, their relationship occurred more behind closed doors.

I agree with what was said about the waking up scene. My initial reaction was, "Damn! Someone finally did it. Took long enough!". Which is then followed up by such a wonderful "pillow" (I blame the anime norm here for slightly ruining the moment for me, since in the back of my mind I was trying not to enjoy it too much thinking something/someone was going to ruin it as it was getting good).

To my VERY pleasant surprise, Ai's lullaby was just that. A cute little lullaby. Again, due to overexposure to otherwise, I was expecting the background music to kick in with some dramatic melody and random serene pictures fading in and out.

Lastly, though the idea was very believable and welcomed (a couple being too busy to spend time together), I wasn't that big of a fan of the whole "abduction" deal. That kind of ruined the flow for me, and left me with somewhat of a "....what?" reaction afterwards.
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