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Old 2012-02-06, 08:34   Link #966
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Redgrave City
Age: 35
Lol Andy, go dig a hole and cry If this is going to be the running joke it's got to be one of the most cruel

Okay, I expected Amata to lose in a fight with Kagura outside of their mechs but at least he didn't lose his girl (great improvement from your previous series ) That sure was a gutsy move jumping off the tower- I mean, it could really have ended badly But Kagura... seriously, I know your VA is Daryl in another life, but you got to stop getting beat up in every episode that you played a prominent role in You're really starting to look bad...

On the topic about the triangle, both Amata and Mikono 'sensed' that they know Kagura from before. Subconsciously, Mikono wants to apologize to Kagura for something, but on a more conscious level she is terrified off him though thinks he's concern for her. Amata, whether or not he's just being influenced by those visions, is determine to not let Kagura take Mikono even if it means jumping off a skyscraper without a bungee. Kagura on the other hand... I'm not getting anything off from him except it's his mating season... And lets face it, flying beats smelling hands down when it comes to wooing girls

Shrade... Yeah... I'm very certain you're a nice guy... But you're a classic tortured bishounen character... >.> Plus I hate people that talks in music terminology... >.>

At the preview, looks like Zessica's weakness is ghost Lol, it's always the confident ones
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