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Old 2012-02-07, 07:35   Link #1029
Lord of Pandemonium
Join Date: Jan 2011
@mayumi you must have a different translation, I haven't seen him call her "stinky bitch" at all. Only "smelly woman" and "my woman" Also he's already said "she stinks deliciously" so it's not really an insult when he says it and Apollo also called Silvia, stinky--idiot princess, amazon, among other things... and in the OVA he told her he'd never eat her because she'd taste rotten. Seriously I think some of you are making too much out of that

@Tenchi Hou Take--Aquarion is a Seinen not a Shounen it's target audience is adult males. Trust me if they could dissect a little kid, while he's still alive, they're not thinking about children

Originally Posted by KRegnard View Post
This might be slightly offtopic. What is the difference between Sousei no Aquarion's OVA and its movie?
It's not offtopic...

Basically the OAV compresses the entire season, some 26 Episodes into two OVA's that were 49 minutes each. It's an alternate reality but the plot doesn't stray that far from the Original Series. It basically had all the major plot points happen in different way. The biggest change was Reika, she's not an emo-oh-woe-is-me-I-am-a-useless-bad-luck-girl-who-brings-misfortune-down-on-everything-and-everyone-I-touch-character she was in the OS. The OVA gave Reika a shot of self esteem along with visions of her a past life (one she didn't have in the series) and she was believe to be Celiane but she was a "false wing"

Reika was a reincarnation of "Scorpius" the third pilot in the union with Apollonius and Celiane. In the series he's unnamed but it's heavily implied that Fudo is the third pilot in the Series---HOLY SHIT! Where did Fudo come from? He's not dead, is he from an alternate world...Like Altea. Now that I think about it, he arrived and left through what could be a dimension gate.

Anyhoo they remade the universe because one thing that is consistent--Aquarion actually destroys the world instead of saving it . They created a parallel Universe

Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 View Post
Why does it feel more and more that I want Mikono to end up with Kagura? I mean sure I'm a HanaKana fanatic (Zessica episode next one aww yeah!), but still, more and more I'm more interested with what's up with Mikono/Kagura. Maybe because it has more mystery and/or they have this romeo/juliet vibe to them?

I mean, there IS a reason why their respective planets are named Altair (Hikoboshi - Kagura's planet) and Vega (Orihime - Mikono's planet), right? RIGHT? :grasping at straws:
You're not the only one I do too. Celiane and Apollonius' had that same "Romeo and Juliet" vibe was also in the OS. He was the enemy sent to hunt humans and slaughter them, but he fell in love with the "enemy" and betrayed his own kind. Right now it looks as if Kagura and Mikono are the same way. Silvia was a Shadow Angel by birth and this time Apollo was human. History repeats itself... Eh .Eh...Eh...Eh?

Silvia didn't like Apollo because he was rude and untamed, he acted like an animal. She was a bro-con who spent most of the series in-love with her brother--so it's not like her feelings can't "shift" to Kagura

There is some reason why they're meeting is "forbidden" all the forbidden, oh-no-no things in this series has to do with Love and is connected to Apollon and Sylvie.

I believe that EVOL is a retelling of Apollonius' and Celiane's story, the begining of everything--but it's using a parallel universe to do so. Because the OVA can be considered a prequel.

I really think that KaguraxMikono pairing will prevail

Originally Posted by LoveMeKags View Post

What I'm waiting for is an explanation behind Kagura's intentions with Mikono or at least why he's seeking her out.
It could be because he's "in heat" --
Originally Posted by LoveMeKags View Post

I hope he turns to the good side because he's hot..
*high fives* Oh yeah he is...
More than likely Kagura will switch teams for Mikono. He thinks she's his mate (wolves mate for life..aww isn't that cute ).

Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
Just a note: Amata "knows" Kagura because he saw him in Cayenne's vision about Mikono's wedding ceremony in the first episode (or second, whatever).
You might be right-it could be Amata meant he knew him from the vision but I got the feeling it wasn't the vision, that made him fell this way.
Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
So far we have nothing else: in this episode
Do you mean nothing as in "reveal" or do you mean nothing that says that Kagura is Mikono's destined lover--Apollon?
Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
Kagura's only remark about Amata was that Amata was weird for having no scent, and going "oh hey, wings," and Amata didn't have any other reaction to Kagura aside of "must protect Mikono from him."
Yeah but what he said, was something to take note of. He asked him "what was he"? In all my years, in anime and manga--anytime a character says that to another character. They turn out to be something "other" than what they appeared to be. That was major.... as for "the wings" comment it could be because he was genuinely surprised he had wings..or because they were on his feet not his back
Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
Mikono is the one they both have a connection with: Kagura with his instant "she's my bitch" reaction (I wish he'd tone that down, all that "kuso onna" is starting to get grating...)
You know......I'm starting to think that you don't like Kagura

Nah it's cool, if you don't. I like it when he says "you're my woman". I like possessive bastard tsundere characters.But he's saying that because he thinks she's "his" Apollo and Apollon told their lady-loves they would never forget her scent. He's marked her as his, because of that scent--he's drawn to it. He thinks she's his...(boy that was redundant )
Honestly... I feel the same way every time Amata goes "Mikono san...Mikono-san" he's starting to remind of me of Orihime and her "Kurosaki-Kun's"

It's his nature--he is savagely awesome, just like Apollo was in the OS. It's the nature of the beast, that causes him to act this. Apollo was just as cocky and never wanted to give up or accept defeat. He would try to do it alone and no matter what they said he did what he wanted--and he had to learn that he can't always do that. The hard way.

...Kagura is the same way
Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
and Amata with his conviction that their meeting was fate.
It might be fate-- no matter how good or bad it may be for one of them.
Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
Also, Mikono said she felt she's known Amata for a long time,
When did she say that? I don't recall. Care to jog my memory?
Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
she also has some as of yet unearthed memories about Kagura.
I don't think she has "memories" of him. I think her soul recognized him, once she actually came into contact with him
If he continues to chase her or appear where she is--I will be very happy. Apollo was like a stalker and he would follow Silvia everywhere because it felt "natural" for him to be with her.
Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
As for Kagura and Amata having a dogfight, it's inevitable? ;; I'm just wondering when it will happen, that is, whether Kagura is the penultimate boss, or he will switch sides at some point.
Did you watch the OS?

More than likely we will see Kagura and Amata fight many many times before the series is over and Kagura will lose and come back again with some other weapon, if it follows the formula of the OS. It will be like "monster" of the week only the "monster of the week" will be the same monster from last week--a recurring character.
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