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Old 2012-02-07, 19:41   Link #132
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
the reason they didn't ignore Koichi at first is because he was an outsider and ignoring him would MAKE him more curios e.g ask a lot of questions and all those other stuff. asking Koichi to ignore Mei would mean that they would have to acknowledge she exists and that would be a breech in the rules.

the class was clueless what to do with the arrival of Koichi.. i'm thinking Mei's cousin was the first death of that year.

well, at least Koichi is a little happy that Mei ACTUALLY exists.. he must have had an eye for her. she is pretty and cute, after all. Well, Mei and Koichi can accompany eachother while they are being ignored.

the pacing of the anime is making me think this will span 24 episodes. (I hope.)
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