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Old 2012-02-09, 04:00   Link #1151
Lord of Pandemonium
Join Date: Jan 2011
@Shinji103--Apollo got the spotlight because he was the main character, main protagonist and the "hero"...he was all three. So that's why Silvia took a backseat to him. But Silvia kicked major ass all throughout the OS and it is she who made Sirius and Touma see the error of their ways.

Originally Posted by Tenchi Hou Take View Post
Amata and Mikono were litterally about to become in love before Kagura cock blocked it according to that machine and week means jack shit in these sorts of stories that's a poor excuse, people fall in love in practically a day in these sorts of stories.

Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
They addressed that in episode 5 - Mikono wondered why she feels so close to Amata despite having just met him. IIRC both she and Amata said they feel they've known each other for a long time, and Amata said their meeting was destiny.
This is reply to both of you---
I am not Kawamori, nor am I Okada. I didn't see the script, I wasn't there in the "planning stages", so I am not going to presume to know what's going on --I don't. It's an assumption on my part based on what I saw. So this is not a shipping war, but we're discussing whom we believe will get together and our reasons for preferring it. What I do know is this--- your premise is flawed (I am saying this to both of you)
I wonder if you both realize that you're arguing both sides of the fence. Do you?
You're both arguing that Mikono has not known Kagura long enough for her to like him. So he really didn't do much to spark an interest, because they barely know each other, and she just met him
but the same time...You're both saying that characters can fall in love after knowing each other at least a day, or at the most a week.

Kuro-chan (can I call you that?) You said more than once---I might add "(Paraphrasing here)
  • "Amata said it was destiny the first time they met"
You also said something along the lines of
  • "Mikono also said she felt like she knew him or comfortable--or something like that, although they just met"
  1. Kagura smelling her and declaring her "his" in the first episode--means nothing (it's the same as Amata's "destiny" line)
  2. Mikono's saying that she could tell he was worried about her, and felt like she felt that from him before--isn't too deep. Ah she saw him in the vision, so it's nothing deep.

Because Kagura declared her his BEFORE Amata said that destiny line...

So I have to ask you both you don't see the contradiction there? You can't have it both ways. Either one day-or one week, or one meeting, isn't enough time to form a tendre for someone, or it is enough time. because " week means jack shit in these sorts of stories that's a poor excuse, people fall in love in practically a day in these sorts of stories"

Tenchi-kun (are you a guy or girl? Can I call you that)--can I give you a tip? You cannot say things like "according to that machine and week means jack shit in these sorts of stories that's a poor excuse,"

Then do a 180 and say "Amata and Mikono were litterally about to become in love before Kagura cock blocked it"--because you got that from "the machine" know the one you said "doesn't mean jack shit"

Thus your argument is a failed one---because you say "that doesn't mean anything" when it comes to Kagura, and then you both turn around use the same shit you just told me, it doesn't count so it doesn't help my pairing--does count when it comes to your paring and only your paring. To hell with mines. Even if it's the same it doesn't count because the machine is only good for validating your ship not mine. .

Originally Posted by Tenchi Hou Take View Post
Also the NTR crap comes from the fact the
Um what does NTR mean? ...I don't know. If I never ask, how will I know? Enlighten me please?

Originally Posted by Tenchi Hou Take View Post
I mean seriously AMATA LEADS FRICKING AQUARION EVOL. THE NAME OF THE SHoW. Kagura is never going to drive that machine, at the very least not without Amata leading it.

You're killing me, you know that?

That's why he's the HERO.
  • Although a lead character can be Hero, Protagonist and Main character--it's not always so
  1. Amata is the HERO...He's the guy you want to see win
  2. Mikono is the Protagonist and Main character of EVOL. Not Amata---because it looks like she's Sylvie, she is the one who has to grow and change--and that makes her the main protagonist. It's about "Sylvie".
    in the OS. It was about Apollonius. They were searching for him. EVOL's plot isn't based on him, only Sylvie (that's why he's suspiciously absent except for ONE scene) That is why Miknono is also the main character EDIT: Mikono/Sylvie is the vehicle that drives the story. None of it would be possible without her. That's why she's both the main character and the main protagonist
  3. Kagura is the Villain protagonist--because it's safe to say, he will grow and change too. He's just on the bad side as of now. (Apollonious was once on the bad side too)
Please before you start arguing about what makes a "Main Character" how bout you do some research first. ...that's just a tip. I'm not trying to be insulting either. I am just bit brutal in my honesty. Sometimes it rubs people the wrong way. Don't get me wrong there are times when I am just a total bitch and I am calling you (not you personally) an idiot..but when it's a case like that, I don't beat around the bush..I just say it. This time I'm really not trying to insult your intelligence .... I could just tell that you don't know're not always the same character and I believe ignorance of something isn't really bad--it just means you don't know something because no one ever taught or told you whatever it is you're ignorant of...I swear to god,I am really not trying to be a smart ass. Misinformation is a pet peeve of mine ...

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
She already said she was scared of him...

Fair enough.
She was scared when he grabbed her-because she's pretty much a wuss, but then she felt his concern. Why would she want to apologize to a guy that scared the beejeezubs out of her? It would mean that it had an "effect" on her and it's no longer fear--

Um, why is she conflicted? All of sudden, she's confused and feels something is "wrong". This is after Kagura declared her his. She was holding hands and did the mugen punch thing--so it can't be a battle..yet now she's conflicted

Originally Posted by cyberdemon View Post
There's something called the suspension bridge effect. It's a mental effect that confuses the feeling of being scared with Love. mentally fear has similar effects to the body as love. They even explained that the bands they gave them measure heart rate, pulse, and body perspiration; not necessarily love. The bands can only interpret the body responses and to assume that what they are feeling is love but fear would generate a similar response.

That's likely why they first unlocked the bands when the attack started. It's bound to work up the body and get the heart and pulse beating quickly. which could cause the bands to go off at the worst times.

If that's the case why didn't the band go off, when he first grabbed her? She said herself she was SCARED--really scared. How come the band only shocked the hell out of her, after he embraced and then licked her?

Because every person who's band went off, did so because of romantic setting and feelings? otherwise known as ATTRACTION? You can say fear but like Tenchi-Kun said "The were practically in love" and how do we know this? The monitor told us so... Just like it also told us that Kagura set her body aflame because it shocked the hell out of her. According to the band, Kagura has a greater affect on her than Amata does. Also, Kagura and Amata, and Mikono were pretty much, introduced at the same time--give or take few minutes in the 1st half. So it's not boy meets girl. It's girl, met two boys--in the begining.

@ Iron-mike. Whipping boy? Don't you think that is a bit of an exaggeration?

Also if Kagura lost "All" his fights. It would mean he lost all his fights. Which he did not. He lost only two fights and that was to Aquarion--Solar Aquarion (EVOL) and if you're gonna say "he keeps losing to Amata lol" then I should point out that technically he only lost o Amata ONCE. In the Second half of the double episode. That is the only time he lost to Amata, since he was the the "Head"

The second time he lost to Shrade, who was the head of Aquarion Mars--whoops Aquarion Spada. In OS, Sirus and Peirre were the heads for that one. Serius because he was swordsman and Pierre because it allowed him to use his element power...

More than likely Aquarion Lunar--will be used by Mikono and Zessica, whenever they decide to show it. Because Silvia and Reika, for the most part used Luna when they were "the head"

I have to got bed, I have to get up in few hours so I didn't quote or answer everything I wanted to ---and I made this short and sweet--(short for me, I can be long fingered)

Oh yeah...watching him run around desperately tyring to find his woman---gaah I melted. I hope he gets her in the end (I am starting to think that he will, because Aquarion is the story of Apollo and Silva in all their incarnations and Kagura is Apollo) So I am going to wave my pom-pom's while Kusa and Dragon do handstands and flips...We'll be in the KaguraXMikono and AmataxZessica stands

Last edited by Lord of Pandemonium; 2012-02-09 at 04:24. Reason: added to it
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