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Old 2012-02-09, 19:06   Link #1192
Carpe Diem
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: ||At the edge of finality.||
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Adigard View Post
There are plenty of shows without a singular main character, because they have multiple characters who share focus... but by definition there should only be a single main character, or multiple characters.

If you have more than one protagonist... he's no longer the chief actor, he's just another character.
I think much of the discussion here orbits around the idea that Kagura could become a protagonist, changing the dynamic of the show from having a central protagonist around whom the story revolves, to have multiple central characters (multiple protagonists) around whom the story will focus. Therein the show will lose having a centralized *main* character, but will have multiple characters of import through whom the story is driven and told. From there, Kagura and Amata may share equal screen time and importance. Some of us are merely hypothesizing the possibility and arguing that groundwork has been laid out, but not that it is necessarily an inevitable truth. We're not Okada/Kawamori, after all.

Originally Posted by Zaresh View Post
I honestly think that it would be a lot better if we all avoid shipping and character wars, guys. It's not fun at all, and I think sometimes people just forget that this story is written by someone else, so it is not going to be like they wish it to be.
Frankly, I'm not sure how shipping and/or character wars have come into this. The entire discussion started between myself and tyson on the direction of Kagura's character in this story, where, at some point, I said that he has all the makings of a protagonist (odds against him, chasing the girl, screen time, implied importance to plot (and is very similar to the OS's main character)) and could, with proper writing direction, get face-lifted to the role of a protagonist along side Amata (or opposed, two protagonists need not be on the same side).

None of us ever talked about the certainty of the event, mearly its possibility and how it fit as an explanation for why his character has been structured the way it has: He's not unlikeable, he's constantly losing, and so on. You can go back to the original few posts between myself and tyson for the discussion.
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