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Old 2012-02-11, 10:26   Link #2282
Myssa Rei
Moderate Haruhiist
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Metro Manila, Philippines
Age: 42
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azarhal: The thing is Augusta Farahnaz herself actually mentioned being assigned Alauda and Luscinia by 'the country in the sky', which obviously points to SOME Guild involvement as far as ten years prior. This and their appearance in the Hourglass manga (two years prior) only serves to muddle things with regards to their current situation (and Ades itself seems to be hostile to the Guild, as Alauda did lead a raid on that one outpost). They've either been destroyed or dissolved in the two years since Anatoray returned to Earth, or are just biding their time until the conflict with Ades blows over.

On less serious matters.... Wow, some Pixiv people are shipping Al and Dio really really hard.
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