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Old 2012-02-11, 11:10   Link #120
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Join Date: Dec 2005
^Actually, the female titan being Annie is the most plausible theory by far. There were a lot of strong hints to her true identity like when she seemed to recognize Armin, and around the time when Jean was fighting her Armin distracted her by claiming that she killed Eren..... yet he was actually careful to not use Eren's name directly ("that guy who was in a hurry to die", "my best friend", etc.). Of course the titan's superior combat ability is a more vague assumption, but notice how she seemed to excel the most at kicking techniques..... which is what Annie was good at (remember when Eren learned her leg sweep move in that flashback?). So yeah, I'd definitely say that there's some pretty solid evidence that points to the female titan's true identity.....
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