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Old 2012-02-13, 16:34   Link #985
Tenchi Hou Take
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Xaturas View Post
Nah Ichika is in a world of his own in the denseness level.
He either:
-Is a Harem master and play dumb
-Is a Siscon and don't give a heck
-Was raised by his sister that way, so he doesn't give a damn about girls
-Is stupid for story reasons

Still despite all that stuff I really like IS (read all novels), it just that if Ichika was less dense then he would already bone one of the IS girls and be with her, or he would go Makoto route.

Ise on the other hand is a little different, we need more *material* to understand him. Is he a normal teenager, or normal anime teenager, is he a H monster who would fuck anything that moves and looks like human, or is he dense pervert.
There's more to him than meets the eye, imo.
We need to see further into the story how perverted is he. Him talking about boobs and groping is one thing, but what if someone want to go all the way with him, what would he do then.
All I can say is lets wait and see if such a situation will occur and what would he do then.
Nah Ise's probably like a lot of guys in many senses.

Originally Posted by DragoZERO View Post
God was he frustrating to watch. If it weren't for the voice actresses in that series it would have been a total loss. Yes, including Nakajima Megumi. She makes an awesome villain.

And if the anime deprives us of such a situation, we shall revolt

Seriously though, I think I'm reaching my limit with these ecchi series. It's like... it isn't enough anymore. Am I alone in this?
They're never going to actually show it, it's simply the nature of this show, the most you'll get is heavy implication. The only chance you'll ever see it is with the real hardcore shit.

Last edited by Tenchi Hou Take; 2012-02-13 at 16:56.
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