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Old 2012-02-14, 14:09   Link #27851
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Originally Posted by ndqanh_vn View Post
I think it's also one aspect that makes Shanon-Geogre relationship creepy, or unhealthy. He more or less looked for somebody who would obey him all along...
Exactly. In a fashion I understand he mistakenly might have thought that Shannon and servant-Shannon were one and the same so Shannon actually liked to do what she was doing due to her job and would have done it even if she wasn't paid... when he was young.

Though 6 year before he was already 6 and should have known that people on work are often forced to put up a mask... and for example Shannon should have smiled to Natsuhi, Eva or Rosa even if she couldn't stand them and couldn't tell him something rude without risking his workplace.

Apart from Shannon insisting on the magic matter we never see the two discussing about something. The fact she's so compliant... well, contrast sharply with all the love stories of the adults.

Males and females had their bad points and their disagreements which causes the moments in which they are close to stand out beautifully.

With George and Shannon there's no such thing.

Originally Posted by ndqanh_vn View Post
Well, Shanon is also all smilling and shining. It is funny if all the time we feel their relationship "flat", it is implied to be "not so true" in the beginning.
I don't know if it was done on purpose but when I saw their love scene in EP 6 when George confesses his past of jealousy in the manga it somehow felt totally flat from Shannon's part at least.
Maybe it's the author's fault but somehow Shannon seemed to lack of the proper emotive reaction.

Originally Posted by ndqanh_vn View Post
Comes to think of it...They went to see the aquarium without no thing happened...But Geogre is so much of a gentleman that he never hugs her? Never sat close to her? He never discovers that her boobs are/might be fake? Or is that man just that inexperience with woman?
According to Shannon he hugged her... and she refused to say Jessica if he had also kissed her.

Originally Posted by Renall View Post
It does make you wonder how idiotic the family would have to be to not notice the suspicious nature of such a thing.

"Hmmm, Genji's brought in a ten-year-old servant girl. Well, I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason for this and it has no suspicious ulterior motives like this person being a secret bastard child of the family or something, no sir. Maybe we'll ask this ten year old girl to make the beds and serve tea and it won't feel the least bit exploitative and creepy."

Unless Fukuin servants regularly come in at that age, in which case you question Kinzo's motives.

Well, Natsuhi and Krauss found it weird and tried to question people about it, like the Fukuin director but the guy told them to ask Genji, Genji told them to ask Kinzo and the weird thing is that Kinzo didn't find it weird at all so either he knew/hoped Shannon was Lion and that was why Genji hired her or... well, I don't know.

I've always found pretty weird how Kinzo said nothing about it when Natsuhi and Krauss pointed it out.

Though Natsuhi and Krauss assumed Yasuda had been hired to keep company to Jessica so, although displeased Kinzo didn't ask for their opinion, they accepted the thing.

Kinzo might have been told by Genji something else though, for example that Genji was Shannon's secret father. Considering he too had an illegittimate child he might have understood.

Still I think this is one of the weakest plot points in Umineko.
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