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Old 2012-02-14, 18:36   Link #192
Chicken or Beef?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Seattle
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Artful Dodger View Post
This doesn't make sense. You should consider the phrase quality over quantity. In the past, armies have been given "flee on sight" orders in the event they encounter ninja like Minato, Madara or other ninjas of that caliber. Sasuke, in the past, easily defeated a small army put against him by Orochimaru just for training; and didn't even have to use any lethal techniques (let alone MS/EMS techniques). In this case, against a much larger army, should be able to win(even if the numbers give him somewhat of a hard time) considering the abilities he has at his disposal; especially with his new attitude of not giving a rat's ass if he kills or not.
Of course it makes sense, for example, the world champion boxer/karate/ufc/whatever will drop like a sack of shit if outnumbered. Even if Sasuke supposedly can't go blind anymore he'll have stamina issues. It's not like they'll just charge at him blindly in one big cluster to make easy target for one big attack. And what's Sasuke going to do? Spin around like a top shooting black fire balls out of his eyes until they all die? His head will probably explode before he gets all of em.

In this army, there's organization and Variety, it's not just a large group of no name nins throwing kunais and hoping for the best. It's a bunch of no name nins with healing/summoning/various jutu's under the command of respectable named nins.

In previous wars, Ninja's were travelling in groups of 3. Completely different from this situation. I'm 10000000000% certain Minato would shit his pants if surrounded by tens of thousands. That or teleport away, only an idiot will test himself against those odds.
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