Thread: Licensed Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean
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Old 2012-02-17, 15:38   Link #352
Join Date: Jan 2004
Age: 42
Originally Posted by aardvark View Post
The way I think it is:

original series = 2005 (+10,000)
AO = 2025 (+10,000)

So 20 years later.
That doesn't explain the scenario setting and Kyoda's comments though. 20 years after E7 would not result in the difference of technology we see, nor should it turn the entire world back into a modern day setting with modern day countries. Kyoda mentioning something like "In any sort of world where there exists a Renton and a Eureka, there can be a Eureka Seven story" also seems to indicate that he seems to think what he did for the movie is a success.

I definitely think it is worrying. This could be a "sequel" to E7 in the sense that Ao is the son of Renton and Eureka, but I'm concerned that they're not really treating this as a sort of "E7 sequel for E7 fans" but rather something like "let's find more audiences for E7 by aping other popular shows lalalala".
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