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Old 2012-02-18, 15:36   Link #212
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by haguruma View Post
And on a completely different note, I find it interesting how few people have brought up the question of what to do actually if they were able to find out who the dead one is. It's not like the dead one him or herself would far as we know.
If you want my opinion...

You kill him or her. Simple as that. They may not be malevolent, and you might not be able to morally blame them, but it's undeniable that they are the cause. It's a matter of sacrificing one innocent person to prevent a greater amount of deaths. Add to that that the dead person will disappear at the end of the year anyways and you're at most reducing someone's lifespan by a single year.

Sure, in the long term it's much better to just find out about the phenomenon itself, and since this is fiction, in the story I would agree with you (of course they'll find out at some point, would be a waste if they didn't), but rationally the chances of you finding out how to stop a supernatural phenomenon and achieving a happy happy rainbow end are rather small.

If the mysterious deaths don't stop after killing the Another, use the regular countermeasures until the end of the year. If the killed person was indeed the Another, it's back to the drawing board. If the Another was incorrectly identified, the accuser will just have to live with the guilt as punishment for failing something that important, and the new 3-3 will have to try the method again to see if it works.

It may feel cruel, but I believe rationally that's the best way to go about it.
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