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Old 2012-02-18, 22:32   Link #220
Me at work
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Age: 36
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Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
Oh, is that right? I can't keep a lot of these dates straight... still, it's curious to me that Reiko has the whole "follow the class rules, and remember that the group comes before the individual" thing as advice for Kouchi. She also espouses the same "you'll know what you need to know when the time comes" mentality that the other students in the class have.
I'm 100% sure on those dates.

But what you bring up is interesting.Though class 3 could always have had strict rules concerning the phenomenom even before the "ignore a student" countermesure came up.
Either that or as some people speculate she came back to the school later on as an assistant teacher.

Also that rule is rule 3,I don't think we'ver ever heard 1,2 and 4.
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